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Cowboy Ventures

Seed fund based in San Francisco, CA

Cowboy Ventures is an amazing team of business minds located in the Bay Area that invests in rising companies. These companies are led by founders who are building products that re-imagine work and personal life; companies such as Dollar Shave Club, August, StyleSeat, Rise, and the list goes on.

Cowboy approached us wanting to polish up their existing site and implement a blog page to keep followers current when articles such as this go live on TechCrunch.

The solution was to implement a clean and simple Wordpress blog that the Cowboy VC team can curate that blends with the rest of the site design. Adding some nice UX touches throughout the site that complement not only the Cowboy VC brand, but also their portfolio companies, was crucial.

In an industry that is constantly changing, we wanted to create a build that can hold up to the ever-evoloving landscape of the tech and venture world. A lot of care went into this project under-the-hood cleaning up and updating some of the existing code base to lay a solid foundation for future growth.

"Joe and his team did great work developing our site. Both in design and in execution, we were very pleased with the result and enjoyed working with them on the project."

- Noah Lichtenstein
Return on Investment

A strong web presence in the form of an enjoyable user experience goes a long way. Adding some TLC to a site returns lengthier site visits, higher click-through rates, and ultimately raises the bottom line. When keeping in touch with your network and followers is important to you, a blog is a great way to get your voice out.

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The Iron Yard

The nation's largest code school

The Iron Yard is committed to training the highest-quality developers and startups in the world, both in skill and in character. We are committed to matching that quality within our partnership and throughout their site.

We have partnered with The Iron Yard to support graduates looking to start a freelance career. We provide them the same mentorship and real-world experience that graduates who chose to go work for a company receive from within their organization.

As The Iron Yard has grown into the largest code school in the nation, their website has grown in parallel. We were first tasked with rebuilding the site architecture to allow maintainability as The Iron Yard continues to expand across the nation.

In order to establish maximum extensibility, we utilized many tools like the front-end package manager, Bower, allowing certain components to be modularized for expediting future development.

"We've trusted Rye to both extend our CSS framework and build lightweight front-end JavaScript applications for us. Their attention to detail and ability to deliver ahead of time makes them a go-to resource for all of our internal programming needs."

- Eric Dodds
Partner, Marketing and Ops

With a new engine under the hood, The Iron Yard's site is set up to ensure that, with their continuing growth, their site will run smoothly.

What's next?

We will continue developing The Iron Yard's site, but are heavily focused on the mentorship aspect of our partnership. We want to provide as many graduates looking to freelance with guidance and continued learning through paid real-world projects with Rye. If you have a project you are looking to get developed, please take a moment and reach out to us.

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